The curriculum will include Catechism classes and learners will have the opportunity to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation through the school.
Regular Mass is celebrated and prayer is an integral part of the school day.
Learners will celebrate major feast days and be part of various exciting yet informative faith retreats throughout the year.
The Angelus is prayed every afternoon and learners are encouraged to participate in the Divine Mercy prayer group in the morning run by learners themselves.
Confession is arranged during each term and learners are taught about the lives of the Holy Saints.
Learners participate in a ‘Theology of the Body for Teens’, as well as, a ‘YOU’ workshop. Theology of the Body for Teens is a dynamic faith formation program for teens and pre-teens in Catholic schools. This workshop will cover the following themes.
- Created for Love
- Love Defined-Giving versus Using
- Chastity
- Dating with a purpose
- Language of the Body
- Celibacy and Religious life
- Marriage
- Living the Good life
The workshop is based on the teachings of Pope John Paul the II and seeks to understand the true meaning of Love according to Gods True Nature. The workshop will be run by facilitators who have many years of experience with the material. Please feel free to look at the website for more information.