We would like to welcome everyone back for another positive and productive second term. We trust you had a blessed holiday and a well-deserved rest.
Our charity drive last term was a great success, thank you for your donations. The Lenten and clothing collections all went to the TLC orphanage and the Easter Eggs to the Junior Mini Council.
Learners are still to wear their summer uniform. If it is cold they may wear a jersey or dry-mac, not the tracksuit. Please ensure your child still wears a hat for outdoor play. No child will be permitted to do any outdoor activity without a hat. All learners are to change to their winter uniforms from 6 May. If it is still hot, learners may wear the short-sleeved shirt with their tracksuit. All uniforms must be clearly marked. A hair and uniform inspection was held today and teachers will make note in the learner’s diary of any corrections. Your co-operation is appreciated. You are welcome to visit our second hand uniform shop on Mondays and Wednesdays from 13:30 – 15:00.
We have chosen the theme “Good Choices” for our assemblies this term. It is a topic which can be discussed with the children and reinforced at home. Please see the list of topics below:
Choose to live with God in your life | 10 Apr |
Choose the right friends | 15 Apr |
Choose to get excited about life | 17 Apr |
Choose to learn from the past, your mistakes | 24 Apr |
Choose to read to gain knowledge | 06 May |
Choose to be generous | 08 May |
Choose to eat healthy and exercise | 13 May |
Choose to be positive | 15 May |
Choose to love yourself | 20 May |
Choose to always do good | 22 May |
Choose to always forgive | 27 May |
Choose to not be a “know-it-all.” Seek advice | 29 May |
Choose to keep the right perspective | 3 June |
Choose to not procrastinate | 5 June |
Choose to make it work | 10 June |
Choose to live simply | 12 June |
Choose to harm no one or no thing | 19 June |
The netball and soccer clinic was a success with good attendance from our players and we are looking forward to an exciting season. Details of upcoming practices and matches will be forwarded to those involved.
A friendly Night Netball tournament will be held on Friday 14 June. Join us in showing your support for this exciting event. Details to follow.
Holiday : Friday 19 – Monday 22 April
School from : Tuesday 23 – Friday 26 April
Holiday : Monday 29 April – Wednesday 1 May
School from : Thursday 2 May
For the start of Mission Week, Mass will be held in the Church on Monday 15 April at 19:00 and followed by the Passion Play. We encourage you to attend and show support for the wonderful effort of all of the learners involved. This is a first and very exciting event that will be a fitting start to Holy Week.
We will be hosting a series of workshops this term for both parents and learners. The dates will be as follows:
Tues 14 May Parent Workshop on Emotional Intelligence – helping our children cope in different
situations (Shelley Ferrari) R70
Wed 15 May Learner Workshop on Emotional Intelligence – helping them cope in different
situations. (Shelley Ferrari) R30
Tues 11 June Cyber Bully Workshop for Learners (SaveTnet) R50
Thurs 13 June Cyber Bully Workshop for Parents (SaveTnet) R100
Tues 30 July Parenting pre-teens and teens (Shelley Ferrari) R70
*All to be held in gymnasium.
Please note that the raffle books will be sent out again as we have not yet reached our target. Please encourage the sale of tickets as there will be prizes given to the class and learners that sell the most tickets. All funds will be invested into our school projects of the High School and the Hall.
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. – Mother Teresa
Yours Sincerely
Ms D. Auby Mr V. Aub
Primary School Principal High School Principal